Retent AS is a modern, continuously evolving company. We utilize new, efficient technologies and information tools in our work. The company’s team is competent in various fields and has extensive experience in technically complex areas. Additionally, we have completed various training programs from our cooperation partners’ factories and are active not only in Estonia but also in Scandinavia.
Today, Retent operates in the following areas:
- Production and supply of specialized furniture for laboratories, schools, medical institutions, and custom orders.
- Sales and maintenance of laboratory and other medical and scientific equipment.
- Assembling and managing interior design projects.
Our goal is to provide our clients with high-quality workspace furniture and equipment. The directions of AS Retent’s activities are determined by quality and environmental management principles:
- We are a reliable partner for our clients, and we keep our word.
- We commit to complying with the laws, regulations, directives, and standards in our field.
- We have clear quality and environmental goals, know our responsibilities, and obligations.
- We ensure customer satisfaction through the prevention and elimination of non-compliance.
- We are committed to continuously improving the effectiveness of the quality and environmental management system implemented in the company and enhancing customer satisfaction.
- We treat our partners with care and respect, assisting them in raising awareness of quality and environmental issues.
- Every employee treats tools, materials, and the surrounding work and natural environment responsibly and sustainably.
- We commit to protecting the environment and preventing pollution.
Retent offers various added values to clients:
- Long-term partnerships with both clients and suppliers.
- High delivery accuracy and fast results.
- High-quality products and services, with warranties.
- Rapid technical support and spare parts delivery for equipment.
- User safety through technical consulting and training.
- 1993 – The idea to sell dental equipment along with installation and maintenance.
- 1994 – Renovation of the University of Tartu Dental Clinic, including design, installation, and furnishing.
- 1995 – Start of medical and laboratory furniture production.
- 2001 – New production unit and modern equipment.
- 2001 – ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications.
- 2003–2005 – Expansion into the Finnish hospital sector.
- 2006–2015 – Smaller and larger projects in Estonia and Finland.
- 2016 – Furnishing two dental clinics with a Norwegian public procurement contract.
- 2017 – New dental equipment showroom opened in Tallinn.
- 2020 – A new production building completed in Nõo.
- 2022 – Expansion of the production building and automation of production lines.
- 2024 – Retent merged with MacoMed, a company that sells dental equipment.
The mission of AS Retent is to manage and implement specialized workspace interior projects: planning spaces, designing furniture, planning products and services, managing production projects, establishing communications, installing equipment, and providing subsequent maintenance, service, and technical support. We create modern working environments and ensure the sustainability of companies and employee satisfaction. Our aim is to be customer-centric and bring best results.ootmise projektijuhtimine, kommunikatsioonide rajamine, tehnika installeerimine, hilisem hooldus, teenindamine ja tehniline tugi. Loome kaasaegseid töökeskkondi ning tagame ettevõtete jätkusuutlikkuse ja töötajate rahulolu. Eesmärgiks on olla kliendikeskne ja pakkuda tellijale “võtmed kätte” terviklahendust.